How to write c code cheat sheet
How to write c code cheat sheet

how to write c code cheat sheet

Scan ports 20 up to 23 for specified host However, in real engagements you should specify port numbers as well as shown below. On the section above we have not specified any ports which means the tool will scan the 1000 most common ports. Nmap First resolve the IP of the domain and then scan its IP addressīecause we have not specified any other switches on the commands above (except the target IP address), the command will perform first host discovery by default and then scan the most common 1000 TCP ports by default. Scan the IP addresses listed in text file “hosts.txt”


You can download the following cheat sheet in PDF format at the end of this article. So without further ado let’s start first with the most useful and important commands and switches used with NMAP.

  • #7 Find well known vulnerabilities related to an open port.
  • #6 Detect if a Website is protected by WAF.
  • #5 Find Geo Location of a specific IP address.
  • #4 Find Servers running Netbios (ports 137,139, 445).
  • #3 Find HTTP servers and then run nikto against them.
  • #2 Scan network for EternalBlue (MS17-010) Vulnerability.
  • #1 My personal favourite way of using Nmap.
  • Identify Versions of Services and Operating Systems.
  • You must use Nmap only to scan systems that you have permission and for ethical reasons only (e.g in order to evaluate and enhance their security level). NOTE: All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The second part is an Nmap Tutorial where I will show you several techniques, use cases and examples of using this tool in security assessment engagements. The first part is a cheat sheet of the most important and popular Nmap commands which you can download also as a PDF file at the end of this post. In almost all engagements, I start first with using Nmap in order to enumerate live hosts, find what services are running on servers, what types and versions of applications and operating systems are installed etc. One of my responsibilities in my job is to perform white hat penetration testing and security assessments in corporate systems to evaluate their security level. NMAP (Network Mapper) is the de facto open source network scanner used by almost all security professionals to enumerate open ports and find live hosts in a network (and much more really).

    How to write c code cheat sheet